Due to a full book,we are currently unable to add clients to our schedule.
Services we offer by appointment
- Brush out
- Blowing out of under coat
- Clipping of coat
- Nail trims
- Anal glands expressed
- Ear flushing
- De-flea- We use gentle de fleeing shampoo
- Face, feet, rear end trimming between grooms
Services we don’t offer:
- Flea dipping
- Hand stripping
- Show grooming
- Sedation
- Any procedure painful or unnecessary
We use Earthbath grooming shampoos, conditioners, and ear wash. These products are not tested on animals and contain no harsh chemicals, dyes, or perfumes. These are also for sale in our store along with other quality grooming products.
Grooming is charged by the hour and may include bath, nails, and ears, clipping if necessary or brush out depending on the breed and the owner’s request. Pre-grooming such as de-matting and blow–out is charged at $20 per half hour in addition to the grooming fee.
Our goal is to provide your pet with a stress free grooming experience. In order to achieve this we book a limited number of dogs per day and often book up to 6 weeks in advance. The majority of our clients “re book” and we encourage this. This ensures maintenance over damage control, is easier on the pet and ultimately cheaper than random appointments. Typical “rebook” appointments are at 6, 8, 10 weeks depending on breed and how high maintenance the dog may be.
Reasons to groom regularly
- Comfort and hygiene of the pet
- Inspection of skin, coat, ears and teeth to detect problems before they become serious and costly to treat.
- Management of double coated breeds during seasonal shedding
- Management of long coated breeds to avoid matting
- Clipping down and /or removing under coat during warm summer months
. Contrary to popular belief, the majority of dogs enjoy the grooming experience. Puppies should be introduced to brushing and bathing early on so that the visits to the groomer are positive ones.


