Because we advocate for pets and their owners, we feel it critical to pass on current and important information. In recent weeks there has been a large recall of many dogs foods that contain a deadly mold called aflatoxin. This is not a new problem in the pet food world but too many pet parents are unaware. Aflatoxin is found specifically in processed foods that contain grains, namely corn. The mold can be present even if you can’t see or smell it.
We have been on a mission to inform pet owners about the dangers of feeding corn, wheat and soy, for 20 years. These grains are not appropriate for your dog or cat as they are high in carbs. Ingredients your pups and kitties have no metabolism for. Cumulative effects of consuming this mold can cause serious illness and death. The recalls started back in October and has widened in the past few weeks. To date 70 dogs have died and 80 have been sickened. This is just for this round of recalls. You can find recalls going back years and years for the same issue yet the industry continues to pour billions of dollars into promoting and selling these “feeds”. 60 million pounds of toxic food has been recalled in the past 4 months.
If you are feeding a cereal based food to your pets, don’t wait until your brand shows up on the recall list. Because so many better options exist, that don’t present this danger to your cherished companions, it’s a great time to change! What we feed our pets is for nourishment, health and longevity. But, if we feed the wrong foods the exact opposite occurs, ill health, disease, shortened life.
Over the past 2 years many pet owners were directed, by their Veterinarians, to switch to “Grain inclusive” foods, due to the DCM scare. More veterinarians should have informed anxious pet owners about the dangers of aflatoxins in these diets!! It’s irresponsible and unforgiveable that they did not educate their clients.
The current stance by the FDA regarding grain free foods and DC M is as follows; “Evidence shows that the absence of grains in a dog’s diet is not linked to the development of DCM, as the presence of grains in a dog’s diet does not prevent against DCM.
This is a pretty strong statement considering that much of the pet owning public was in a panic as were some of our customers, scared out of feeding foods they had faith in with little data to back it up. Not a single client that I’ve polled, knew anything about DCM or aflatoxin, but switched due to pressure and fear.
Aflatoxin is a real danger. We hope you go to your cupboard and check your food and treat ingredient labels. If there is corn, wheat or soy, toss them! Share this information with your Vet, groomer, neighbor…anyone who loves their pets! You could be saving a pets life